The recent BBC series The Scheme launched a new star into the firmament: Bullet the dog.
Sady the programme was axed for legal reasons after just two episodes, but the impression Bullet made on the TV audience has yet to fade.
After the series came to its unexpected and abrupt end, rumours started to circulate that Bullet had come to a sticky end. But these were quashed soon after with the news reporting that Bullet is alive and well, and living in London, and (horror of horrors) with the cringeable new handle of... wait for it...[cringe]...Bullwinkle. Bullet had been in a road traffic accident and had been sent down South for recuperation and rest, and, eventually, adoption.
So, I for one think that Bullet deserves a follow-up TV show. It's been nearly six weeks and we've had no news about him. I think Bullet's legion of fans deserve better than a media Bullet blackout!
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